Good morning everyone. Its 3:15 AM now. Its one of those nights when sleep has eluded me again. Don't be surprised, for those who know me are very well aware of my untimely sleeping schedules. Funny thing, I was staring blank at the wall and was wondering what I could put in here at this time of the hour so that it becomes worth reading. All of a sudden I noticed how the Wall Clock in my room had stopped exactly at 3:15 AM ! Its so spooky just to even think about it , rather to blog about it. Its like time has stopped just for me. It just came to my mind what if each one of us were given a chance in our lives to stop time and be the master of all things. May be I have been watching too much of LOST, and the idea of time travel and the time-space consortium has just gone too much into my head. But lets just give it a try. What if at some instance you realized that a Bruce Almighty like scenario was presented in your lives ? We all have been living our lives at such a rapid rate tha...