Funny thing, I was staring blank at the wall and was wondering what I could put in here at this time of the hour so that it becomes worth reading. All of a sudden I noticed how the Wall Clock in my room had stopped exactly at 3:15 AM ! Its so spooky just to even think about it , rather to blog about it. Its like time has stopped just for me. It just came to my mind what if each one of us were given a chance in our lives to stop time and be the master of all things. May be I have been watching too much of LOST, and the idea of time travel and the time-space consortium has just gone too much into my head. But lets just give it a try. What if at some instance you realized that a Bruce Almighty like scenario was presented in your lives ?
We all have been living our lives at such a rapid rate that we are getting in competition with our selves. Even if we were given a chance to realize the fact that time had stopped I am sure most of us would not have even noticed the opportunity. In our daily struggle for existence, we have been neglecting the real purpose of life. Don't be scared reading my thoughts, its just that at this time of the hour the harmony between what you are thinking and what you actually want to think is completely lost. What happens when you realize that the world has stopped and the only person active is you ?
I think it is in this time you try to figure out the real purpose of life. Instead of thinking what good or bad you have done in life, you start questioning the very reason for your existence. Flashes of your complete life start appearing before you as if you were hallucinating. Just imagine the importance of this period where your whole life until now flashes before you. Things which we would not have thought of during our entire lives start filling our Grey matter.
Such things would not have made their presence felt if we were to continue our Ultra-sonic pace of life. I believe every once in a while, we need to shift gears, take account of what is happening in our lives and just wish that time could be stopped for a while. It helps you connect with an alien within you who is pure and untouched from the atrocities of this harsh world.
"I wish we all could have one of these nights, where time pauses for a while just so as to makes us realize , that the ride along in life is really beautiful, take it slow and enjoy it while you can ...."
Retreats are good though, takes you back from where you have diverged. GET ON THE RIGHT PATH!!! it says.
please send me code.
also life is like a expressway
u hav to go fast to make most of it .if u miss one opportunity life has many more ahead. just that v should focus road ahead rather then looking back .
As magician said. life is like expressway and we are the vehicles. and magician bhai, aapke paas to magic hai.. all ur wishes can b true. and counter u get from anywer.. juz google it up.
yes rickson guru.. i wil take the right path.. aapke hi padhchincho pe chalunga main... retreats are good.. i wil retreat back...i wil start taking examination of my conscience everyday only for one minute. Rickson baba ki Jai ho!!!