"You should be scared, be very very scared "....
How often in our lives do we get this feeling of accomplishment or a raging hunger for passion that makes you believe that the World should be scared of your plans. Remember that smile on your face when you knew you were upto something ? !
In the competing times that we live in, we often become slaves to our companies, even to ourselves. Going through the same routine at work without realising what lies ahead in store for us. Days and months go by and the time you realise you need a extra spark to your credentials, you are already looking at a huge backlog! Ever wondered what went wrong ? At what point in time did you loose the appetite to learn something new, to innovate and to do something not just for getting that fat pay cheque at the end of the month, but having a sense of satisfaction within you.
I believe we should always take time off and try to build that raging hunger within ourselves. A hunger that will not only engulf us but also those around us ! The feeling of being upto something and believing that ultimately you will get there is beyond the scope of my blogpost :)
During the course of our daily lives we end up on a perpetual fast, so it is evident that the hunger will soon retrun.