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From an average Joe.... With a difference !

I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time now. Its been close to 14 years since we bid farewell to our school. Being an ex-alumni and getting constant updates from your mom about school keeps you connected. So even though its been a long time since I have visited school, I can still visualize what goes around based on the conversations and experiences shared by mom.It was only earlier this week that mom mentioned that one of my teachers wanted me to pen down an article for the school magazine. I am not sure if this will make the cut, but I will pen it down anyway.

Having passed out in 2001, and going through the two years of college trying to think of what to do with my career path, I somehow ended up pursuing my Bachelors in Information Technology from Mumbai University, following it up with a Masters in Information Technology. Currently working with India's number 1 ranked IT services company as Technical lead with around 6 years of experience under my belt.

I am never the one to state my credentials but I have come a long way from being an 'average' student at school. This is for the majority of us average students who usually have little focus and end up going with the flow. Back in my school days I was never really sure of where my life would head or how my career choices would shape up. Well that is true for most of us I guess. For an average student at school it might be difficult to get recognized, and with the increasing number of students each day, opportunities will often be favored to the more intellectual ones. Though this might not be an ideal and fair scenario for everyone, in the long run these experiences will only be a fraction of what you become. More important are the values and learning that you gain from your teachers and school and how you build up on them. So be observant and soak in all the experiences, good or bad, they will for one day help you become what you are destined to do.

For all its worth, it is really okay to be average, but don't forget to keep looking for the spark that gets you excited, those little moments that brings a smile to your face and the experiences which make you believe you can conquer the world. This self introspection as you move along away from school and step into your college life will help you make better informed choices. Let go of the fear of unknown as you step into unexplored territory. Once you have enough facts gathered about what you wish to pursue, go for it, don't follow the herd.

I come across a lot of people, who thanks to their credentials have made the cut, but are lost in the long run - lack of passion and spark is what gets to them. They might have better earning prospects or would seem like 'living the dream' but that is far from reality. The constant struggle that unmotivated individuals will have to face is inevitable. So remember to stay motivated and focused on what you love and what interests you. At the end of the day satisfaction and contentment is more important than anything.

In the long run what you sow, so shall you reap. Keep building on the little small things and they will turn out in your favor. Never give up ! Being average is good, being average with  a difference, with a sense of passion is better !


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